Ole Qvist-Sørensen, director of the Danish visual facilitation firm, BIGGER PICTURE, put out a call to visual facilitators around the world to help out with a fascinating challenge…
To create emergency pictures during the BARCELONA CLIMATE TALKS currently taking place in Spain this past week in an attempt to demonstrate to the various government bodies, NGOs, sponsors and donors that visual facilitation adds massive value to what they’re attempting.
And what exactly are they attempting to achieve in this meeting?
Nothing short of saving the world. Literally.
The meeting this week was a pilot to thrash out some issues surrounding December’s COP15 in Copenhagen. This is the summit that is tasked with replacing the Kyoto Protocol. And it’s truly about how governments, municipalities, individuals, corporations can go about urgently reducing carbon emissions, and increasing sustainability.
The SlideShare you see here is a smattering of contributions from artists around the world. We all volunteered our time and energy to the cause. And hopefully, we’ll all be in Copenhagen in December as part of Ole’s envisaged ‘Visual Facilitation SWAT Team’.
These are the artists who have contributed so far:
* Katrine Clante, Denmark
* Nancy Margulies, US
* Roy Blumenthal, South Africa
* Erik Petri, Denmark
* Harry van der Velde, The Netherlands
* Maja Rottbøll, Denmark.