Email: royblumenthal@gmail.com
Email: schmucknews@gmail.com
Phone: +27 74 104 6386
Twitter: royblumenthal
Facebook: Roy Blumenthal
Google +: +RoyBlumenthal
Skype: royblumenthal
Second Life: Wild Latte
Roy is a live, digital sketchnoter. He uses graphic facilitation to make live sketchnote paintings of the ideas swirling around in conventions, meetings, tv shows, conferences, and workshops. He does his graphic recording on a tablet pc hooked up to a large screen. Increasing attention, interactivity, and engagement. And making the content of your speakers more sticky. He can be on the premises, or he can drop into your event virtually. Book him now. Whatsapp or Telegram him on +27741046386, or email royblumenthal@gmail.com.