04 AGM — PsySSA — 25th Annual Psychology Conference

This batch of sketchnotes is from the pre-lunch sessions of the 25th Annual Congress of PsySSA (the Psychology Society of South Africa). I’m sitting in the front row, with my Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 13 hooked up to a projector. As always, I’m available to make your next event more engaging. Contact me on WhatsApp… +27741046386, or email… Royblumenthal@gmail.com.

04 AGM — PsySSA — 25th Annual Psychology Conference

This batch of sketchnotes is from the pre-lunch sessions of the 25th Annual Congress of PsySSA (the Psychology Society of South Africa). I’m sitting in the front row, with my Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 13 hooked up to a projector. As always, I’m available to make your next event more engaging. Contact me on WhatsApp… +27741046386, or email… Royblumenthal@gmail.com.