I was privileged to be the live sketchnote artist/visual facilitator during two sessions of the Vancouver-based TED2016. I was located in the amazing ideation space, the DELOITTE GREENHOUSE, in Woodmead. The speakers were all streamed to a video projector in the venue. And my sketchnotes were displayed in real time on a screen beside the TED talks. One lovely piece of gear at the venue was a wireless transmitter from my computer to the projector. This meant I didn’t need any cables. It was seamless,…Continue Reading “Live Sketchnoting of TED2016 (via the TEDxJOHANNESBURG live stream at the Deloitte Greenhouse in Woodmead, Johannesburg)”
HOW TO LIVE DANGEROUSLY is Warwick Cairns’s second book. It’s all about how the arbitrary ‘safety’ and ‘health’ laws imposed on us by ‘the people who run things’ are actually really bad for us. The book details strategies for taking back our power, and living better lives as a result. This video is a multimedia summary of the book. THE SCRIPTING PROCESS I contacted Warwick with the idea. And he wrote a first draft script. I edited that, and sent it back to him for…Continue Reading “HOW TO LIVE DANGEROUSLY by Warwick Cairns — a multimedia animated summary”
2008-01-07 Jennifer at Col Cacchio — Colour Version 2008-01-20, originally uploaded by royblumenthal. This is the colour version of a doodle I did on the table cover when Jen and I ate at Col’Cacchio in Benmore. I’m truly amazed that the line work stands up to scrutiny. The linework itself is fine. I’m very happy with the original drawing. What amazes me is that this is actually a very poor photograph of the drawing, taken with my Nokia N91. It’s a 2 megapixel camera. And…Continue Reading “2008-01-07 Jennifer at Col Cacchio — Colour Version 2008-01-20”