27 Dinners Jozi — How Can Speakers Be More Engaging, Audiences Better Behaved, and Everybody Happier?

This is a slightly edited version of a comment I’ve left on a blogpost on MORALFIBRE: http://www.moralfibre.co.za/?p=262#comment-19 In the post, Vince talks about his experience of the last 27 DINNERS (http://27dinner.com/) evening, at which I did the visual facilitation and live-blogging. Several people have responded in the comments to some of the less-than-desirable elements of the evening. (Luckily, my visual facilitation seems to have been well-received. Phshew!) The stuff I’m talking about below pretty much all comes from my own experience as a speaker, standup…Continue Reading “27 Dinners Jozi — How Can Speakers Be More Engaging, Audiences Better Behaved, and Everybody Happier?”

Live Visual Facilitation Coverage of the 27 Dinners Jozi Chat — Mon 28 July 2008

If you’re one of the people who can’t make it to 27 Dinners tonight, I’ll be doing a live visual facilitation of the event, along with live-blogging of the pics I make. If anyone wants to write commentary, please contact me on http://twitter.com/royblumenthal or royblumenthal@gmail.com, and I’ll add you as a producer on my CoverItLive console. (You need to be running Firefox 2.* or Internet Explorer for the console to work on your machine.) This live blog is my first public run using CoverItLive. So…Continue Reading “Live Visual Facilitation Coverage of the 27 Dinners Jozi Chat — Mon 28 July 2008”