2007-09-04 Apologies — a Monday Night at AACA, originally uploaded by royblumenthal. Last night’s AACA meeting was pretty cool for me. Rod talked about the tendency of Adult Children of Abuse to defend their right to be right at all costs. I’ve found that I’ve been mellowing a lot in this respect since I started going to AACA meetings. My own tendency in the past has been to take extremely principled stands about stuff. Even to my detriment. One of the ways this used to…Continue Reading “2007-09-04 Apologies — a Monday Night at AACA”
2007-08-07 Ben Zander at Jeppe Girls High, originally uploaded by royblumenthal. This afternoon I attended a talk by Benjamin Zander at Jeppe Girls High. I took my computer and easel with, and thought I’d do a visual summary of the session. This is the result. Benjamin Zander is co-author (with his wife, Rosamund Stone Zander) of the book, THE ART OF POSSIBILITY. It’s a must-read. A must-live. Check him out on www.benjaminzander.com. And if he’s ever in your part of town giving a talk or…Continue Reading “2007-08-07 Ben Zander at Jeppe Girls High”
I received a letter from someone in response to the video I made about being an adult child of abuse. Characteristics of Adult Children of Abuse — Roy’s Story The video is on YouTube, and the letter was sent via their mail system. When I tried sending my response, I got the message that the body of my mail was too long. So I’ve decided to blog it, and ask the person who emailed me to read it here. Basically, the person is an adult…Continue Reading “What to do if you’re an adult child of abuse”
I was interviewed by Dave ‘The Lifekludger’ Wallace and Mike Seyfang via Skype on Thursday for their podcast. Our episode is ‘The Extraordinary Lives Show #29‘, and it’s 55’40” long, and weighs in at a mere 19.2mb. (To download it, right-click on the link, and ‘save target’. That should do it.) In the show, towards the end, I mention an agreement I created for artists to use in defining their relationship with clients. It’s based on a Creative Commons foundation. And it should be quite…Continue Reading “Roy interviewed on The Extraordinary Lives Show (and talks about, his ‘Draft of Creative Commons-based contract for artist/client relationship’)”
On the advice of a friend, I bought Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton’s book, NOW, DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTHS. I bought it primarily because the book contains a code to do the web-based strengths finder test. So, needless to say, like any good activator, I did the test immediately, before reading the book. This is the result… The Signature Themes report below displays my five most dominant themes of talent, as indicated by my responses to Clifton StrengthsFinder, The Gallup Organization’s Web-based talent assessment tool. Activator:People…Continue Reading “Roy Blumenthal: Five Most Dominant Themes of Talent”
Roy, Hanlie, Liesel, Katlego, Rosie, Carmen, and Ukpong are all doing various components of their Digital Arts Masters at Wits. All of us are classmates in the ‘Critical Debates’ module of the course. And we’re all presenting our 20-minute presentations. They should be darned interesting. And exciting. The thing is… we need an audience. There’ll be two examiners present… Christo (our Prof), and an external examiner. Our job is to impress the living heck out of both of them. And a big, rowdy, intelligent, interested,…Continue Reading “Invitation to attend my final presentation for my Digital Arts Masters ‘Critical Debates’ module.”
Friday, May 4, 2007 Service: * * * *Food: * * 1/2Ambience: * * *Babe Count: * * * * As you might know, I attend a polyamory supper once a month. Last night (Friday), J and I schlepped off to Earth 2 for this month’s installment. J and I are exploring the possibilities of poly. Currently, we’re dating only each other. And it’s pretty delicious as things stand. So who knows if one of us is going to end up with another partner. J…Continue Reading “A polyamory quandary at Earth2”
Hmmmm. Here’s one of those viral tag things that actually caught my attention and seems worth doing. I read Victoire’s soundtrack, and thought I’d give it a shot. Here’s what you do… Take your mp3 player, and put it on shuffle. For each ‘act’ in the movie of your life, write down the song playing on your mp3 player. Add a short ‘interpretation’ of what that song means to you in the context of the act (this is my addition to the game). So. Here’s…Continue Reading “‘Roy Blumenthal — The Movie’ — The Soundtrack of My Life”