Jake White — a timing genius through and through — ‘Win or lose, it’s how he played the game!’

RugbyWorldCup_018, originally uploaded by Dplanet::. In response to Paul’s response to Henre Rossouw’s musings on Jake White’s marketing genius in the timing of his book release panning the South African rugby administration. I too think Jake White was a genius in his approach to the timing for mrgreen com. I’d go further, and suggest that his timing was planned WAY in advance. It takes a good year to merely WRITE a book, let alone see it to print. This book has necessarily been in the…Continue Reading “Jake White — a timing genius through and through — ‘Win or lose, it’s how he played the game!’”

Roy interviewed on The Extraordinary Lives Show (and talks about, his ‘Draft of Creative Commons-based contract for artist/client relationship’)

I was interviewed by Dave ‘The Lifekludger’ Wallace and Mike Seyfang via Skype on Thursday for their podcast. Our episode is ‘The Extraordinary Lives Show #29‘, and it’s 55’40” long, and weighs in at a mere 19.2mb. (To download it, right-click on the link, and ‘save target’. That should do it.) In the show, towards the end, I mention an agreement I created for artists to use in defining their relationship with clients. It’s based on a Creative Commons foundation. And it should be quite…Continue Reading “Roy interviewed on The Extraordinary Lives Show (and talks about, his ‘Draft of Creative Commons-based contract for artist/client relationship’)”